Morning at Lambert Heating & A/C Inc

I start my day bright and early and head to our office. On the drive, I admire the quiet streets preparing for another day, during these trips I sometimes get to enjoy the eye-catching sunrise, a perk of the early start. Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning comes into view and I take a deep breath, ready to tackle the challenges of the day.

The Briefing

As soon as I enter, I’m greeted by a hubbub of activity. Our team is busy planning and discussing the tasks for the day. We’re a Furnace Service and Heating System Replacement company. Every morning, we review service calls scheduled for the day, analyse potential issues and sort our toolkits accordingly. We strive for efficiency above everything.

Client Interaction

Being on the ground is my favorite part of the job as this is where we get to interact with our clients. I find it rewarding to visit a client and help them understand their heating and cooling needs and how our services can meet and even exceed those needs.

The Final Call

Our day typically comes to an end by late afternoon. After our last installation or repair job, we gather our tools, clean up, and thank our customer for choosing Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning. With our job site looking as good, we head back to our office for the last time of the day.

Team Debriefing

We hold a team debriefing to discuss any challenges we faced during our service calls and brainstorm solutions to avoid them in the future. We also take this time to celebrate our successes of the day. After our daily round-up, it’s time to head home and prepare for the next day’s challenges.

At Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning, every single day brings a new set of opportunities to serve our communities. This constant process of learning and growing makes a ‘Day in the Life’ here fulfilling in ways beyond measure.